This article describes how to use the whatsminer’s API V2.0.5. The intended audience is mine management software developers.
- 1. Summary
- 2. Protocol
- 3. Writable API
- 3.1 Update pools information
- 3.2 Restart btminer
- 3.3 Power off hashboard
- 3.4 Power on hashboard
- 3.5 Manage led
- 3.6 Switch power mode
- 3.7 Firmware upgrading
- 3.8 Reboot system
- 3.9 Restore to factory setting
- 3.10 Modify the password of admin account
- 3.11 Modify network configuration
- 3.12 Download logs
- 3.13 Set target frequency
- 3.14 Enable btminer fast boot
- 3.15 Disable btminer fast boot
- 3.16 Enable web pools
- 3.17 Disable web pools
- 3.18 Set hostname
- 3.19 Set zone
- 3.20 Load log
- 3.21 Set power percent
- 3.22 Pre power on
- 3.23 Set temp offset
- 3.24 Adjust power limit
- 3.25 Adjust upfreq speed
- 3.26 Set poweroff cool
- 3.27 Set fan zero speed
- 4. Readable API
1. Summary
This article describes how to use the whatsminer’s API. The intended audience is mine management software developers. The mine management software functions similar to WhatMinerTool can be realized through the API.
The API read permission is granted by default, and the API write permission needs to be enabled through the WhatMinerTool, follow these steps:
1. Change the default password(admin);
2. Enable the API
2. Protocol
The whatsminer API TCP port is 4028.
1. If no data is received within 10 seconds after the port is connected, the
connection will time out and be closed.
2. Miner supports max 16 IP clients, one IP can get 32 tokens, and a token
keepalive time is 30 minutes.
JSON API return format:
“When”:12345678, #integer
“Msg”:”string”, #string or object
Message Code:
Code | Message |
14 | invalid API command or data |
23 | invalid JSON message |
45 | permission denied |
131 | command OK |
132 | command error |
134 | get token message OK |
135 | check token error |
136 | token over max times |
137 | base64 decode error |
2.1 API ciphertext
Notice: the readable API supports two communication modes: plaintext and
ciphertext; the writable API supports only ciphertext communication.
Encryption algorithm:
Ciphertext = aes256(plaintext),ECB mode
Encode text = base64(ciphertext)
Steps as follows:
(1)api_cmd = token,$sign|api_str
(2)enc_str = aes256(api_cmd, $key)
(3)tran_str = base64(enc_str)
api_str is API command plaintext
Generate aeskey step:
(1)Get token from miner: $time $salt $newsalt
(2)Generate key:
key = md5(salt + admin_password)
Reference code:
key = `openssl passwd -1 -salt $salt “${admin_password}”`
(3)Generate aeskey:
aeskey = sha256($key)
set_led|auto ->
token,$sign|set_led|auto ->
ase256(“token,sign|set_led|auto”, $aeskey) ->
base64(ase256(“token,sign|set_led|auto”, $aeskey) ) ->
enc|base64(ase256(“token,sign|set_led|auto”, $aeskey))
“enc”:1, # integer
“data”:”base64 str”
2.2 The flow
3. Writable API
Writable API only supports ciphertext.
The writable API must first obtain the token as follows:
client -> miner:
miner -> client:
time: timestamp, this count starts at the Unix Epoch on January 1st, 1970 at UTC.
salt: a random salt is generated for each password
newsalt: new salt for sign
Token calculation method:
Get token from miner: time salt newsalt.
1. calculate key use admin’s password and salt.
2. time is the last four characters of time .
key = md5(salt + admin_password)
sign = md5(newsalt + key + time)
The reference code in Ubuntu:
First, Get those values from miner: $time $salt $newsalt.
Ubuntu Shell command:
key = `openssl passwd -1 -salt $salt “${admin_password}”|cut -f 4 -d ‘$’`
sign=`openssl passwd -1 -salt $newsalt “${key}${time:0-4}”|cut -f 4 -d ‘$’`
The default user name and password are admin
3.1 Update pools information
This operation updates the pool configuration and switches immediately.
3.2 Restart btminer
This operation only restarts the btminer process, not the control board.
3.3 Power off hashboard
This operation simply stops mining and turns off the power output of the power board.
When respbefore is true, the miner returns the data first and then closes the hashboard,
otherwise close the hashboard first and then return the data.
“respbefore”:”str” # str value must be “true” or “false”
3.4 Power on hashboard
This operation simply starts mining and turns on the power output of the power board.
3.5 Manage led
Recovery to automatic control:
“param”:”auto” #The LED flashes in auto mode
LED manual setting:
“color”:”str”, # str must be “red” or “green”
“period”:integer, # flash cycle ms
“duration”:integer, # led on time in cycle(ms)
“start”:integer # led on time offset in cycle(ms)
3.6 Switch power mode
After the miner power mode is successfully configured, btminer will be restarted.
“cmd”:”set_high _power”
“cmd”:”set_normal _power”
3.7 Firmware upgrading
Upgrade flow:
Client -> miner(text flow): “update_firmware”
Miner -> client(text flow): “ready”
Client -> miner(binary flow): file_size(4Bytes) file_data
file_size: size of upgrade file,send integer to stream as little endian.
file_data:file binary flow
Check upgrading by the value of “Firmware Version” returned by summary.
All interactions are one-time TCP connections.
3.8 Reboot system
This operation restarts the control board.
3.9 Restore to factory setting
This operation restores the network configuration, system passwords, user permission,
turns off the api switch, web pools set, removes pools, power mode, power limit, etc.
3.10 Modify the password of admin account
The maximum password length is 8 bytes.
Notice: the token must be acquired again from miner for encrypted transmission.
“old”:”str”, # use letter,number,underline
“new”:”str” # use letter,number,underline
3.11 Modify network configuration
Notice: after modifying the configuration, miner will restart.
“dns”:”str”, # e.g.: “” , divide by space
3.12 Download logs
This operation exports the miner log files.
Download flow:
Client -> miner(text flow):
Miner -> client(text flow):
Miner -> client(binary flow):
The miner sends the file contents after 10ms delay.
3.13 Set target frequency
Notice: This operation just supports liquid cooling miner or fan cooling down freq.
After setting, the miner will restart btminer.
“cmd”: “set_target_freq”,
“percent”: “str”,
#range: -100 ~ 100
“token”: “str”
3.14 Enable btminer fast boot
After setting, the next restart of the miner takes effect.
“cmd”: “enable_btminer_fast_boot”,
“token”: “str”
3.15 Disable btminer fast boot
After setting, the next restart of the miner takes effect.
“cmd”: “disable_btminer_fast_boot”,
“token”: “str”
3.16 Enable web pools
Allows configuration of pools on web pages with immediate effect.
“cmd”: “enable_web_pools”,
“token”: “str”
3.17 Disable web pools
Turn off the configure pools feature on the web page with immediate effect.
“cmd”: “disable_web_pools”,
“token”: “str”
3.18 Set hostname
This configuration does not take effect until the network is restarted.
“cmd”: “set_hostname”,
“hostname”: “str”,
“token”: “str”
3.19 Set zone
This configuration does not take effect until the network is restarted.
“cmd”: “set_zone”,
“timezone”: “CST-8”,
“zonename”: “Asia/Shanghai”,
“token”: “str”
3.20 Load log
Configure the rsyslog log server.
“cmd”: “load_log”,
“ip”: “str”,
“port”: “str”,
“proto”: “str”, #tcp/udp
“token”: “str”
3.21 Set power percent
Temporarily set the power percent based on the current running power. It is
recommended to be used for temporary adjustment. Long run maybe unstable. If you
want the machine run for a long time in low power percent, see 2.24 Adjust power limit.
“cmd”: “set_power_pct”,
“percent”: “str”, #range: 0 ~ 100
“token”: “str”
3.22 Pre power on
The miner can be preheated by “pre_power_on” before “power on”, so that the machine
can quickly enter the full power state when “power on” is used. You can also use this
command to query the pre power on status. Make sure power_off btminer before
“wait for adjust temp”: The temperature adjustment of the miner is not completed.
“adjust complete”: The temperature adjustment of the miner is completed, and miner can
be power on.
“adjust continue”: Miner is adjusting the temperature while waiting to end.
The value of “complete” is true after the temperature adjustment is complete.
“cmd”: “pre_power_on”,
“complete”: “str”, #true/false
“msg”: “str”, #”wait for adjust temp”/”adjust complete”/”adjust continue”
“token”: “str”
3.23 Set temp offset
Set the offset of miner hash board target temperature.
“cmd”: “set_temp_offset”,
“temp_offset”: “str”, #range: -30 ~ 0
“token”: “str”
3.24 Adjust power limit
Set the upper limit of the miner’s power. Not higher than the ordinary power of the
machine. If the Settings take effect, the machine will restart.
“cmd”: “adjust_power_limit”,
“power_limit”: “str”, #range: 0 ~ 99999
“token”: “str”
3.25 Adjust upfreq speed
Set the upfreq speed, 0 is the normal speed, 9 is the fastest speed.
The faster the speed, the greater the final hash rate and power deviation, and the stability
may have a certain impact. Fast boot mode cannot be used at the same time.
“cmd”: “adjust_upfreq_speed”,
“upfreq_speed”: “str”, #range: 0 ~ 9
“token”: “str”
3.26 Set poweroff cool
Set whether to cool machine when stopping mining.
“cmd”: “set_poweroff_cool”,
“poweroff_cool”: “str”, #type: bool, range: [0,1]
“token”: “str”
3.27 Set fan zero speed
Sets whether the fan speed supports the lowest 0 speed.
“cmd”: “set_fan_zero_speed”,
“fan_zero_speed”: “str”, #type: bool, range: [0,1]
“token”: “str”
4. Readable API
4.1 Summary(Deprecated)
Contains fan speed, power info, etc.
“MHS av”:84983730.62, #Average hash rate of miner(MHS)
“MHS 5s”:102423869.64,
“MHS 1m”:86361423.06,
“MHS 5m”:84941366.02,
“MHS 15m”:84969424.09,
“HS RT”:84941366.02,
“Total MH”:225043191209.0000,
“Fan Speed In”:4530, #Air outlet fan speed(RPM)
“Fan Speed Out”:4530, #Air inlet Fan speed(RPM)
“Power”:3593, #Input power(W)
“Power Rate”:42.31,
“Pool Rejected%”:0.0000,
“Pool Stale%”:0.0000,
“Last getwork”:0,
“Uptime”:20507, #System up time(second)
“Security Mode”:0,
“Hash Stable”:true,
“Hash Stable Cost Seconds”:17569,
“Hash Deviation%”:0.1398,
“Target Freq”:574,
“Target MHS”:76157172,
“Env Temp”:32.00,
“Power Mode”:”Normal”, #Power mode (Low/Normal/High)
“Factory GHS”:84773, #Factory hash rate(GHS)
“Power Limit”:3600,
“Chip Temp Min”:75.17,
“Chip Temp Max”:101.25,
“Chip Temp Avg”:89.60,
“Btminer Fast Boot”:”disable”
4.2 Pools
Contains pool miner information.
“STATUS”:[{“STATUS”:”S”,”Msg”:”1 Pool(s)”}],
“URL”:”stratum+tcp://″, #Pool address and port
“Status”:”Alive”, #Pool status
“Priority”:0, #Pool priority(0 highest)
“Quota”:1, #Pool default strategy is 1
“Long Poll”:”N”,
“Accepted”:0, #Accepted nonces by the pool
“Rejected”:0, #Rejected nonces by the pool
“Get Failures”:0,
“Remote Failures”:0,
“User”:”microbtinitial”, #Miner name
“Last Share Time”:0, #Last nonce submission time
“Diff1 Shares”:0,
“Proxy Type”:””,
“Difficulty Accepted”:0.00000000,
“Difficulty Rejected”:0.00000000,
“Difficulty Stale”:0.00000000,
“Last Share Difficulty”:0.00000000,
“Work Difficulty”:0.00000000,
“Has Stratum”:1,
“Stratum Active”:true, #Pool stratum status
“Stratum URL”:””, #Pool address
“Stratum Difficulty”:65536.00000000,
#Pool difficulty
“Best Share”:0,
“Pool Rejected%”:0.0000,
#Pool rejection percent
“Pool Stale%”:0.0000,
“Bad Work”:0,
“Current Block Height”:0,
#Current Block Height
“Current Block Version”:536870916
#Current Block Version
4.3 Edevs/devs(Deprecated)
Contains information for each hash board.
“STATUS”:[{“STATUS”:”S”,”Msg”:”3 ASC(s)”}],
“Slot”:0, #Hash board slot number
“Temperature”:80.00, #Board temperature at air outlet (℃)
“Chip Frequency”:587, #Average frequency of chips in hash board
“MHS av”:10342284.80, #Average hash rate of hash board (MHS)
“MHS 5s”:5298845.66,
“MHS 1m”:8508905.30,
“MHS 5m”:10351110.56,
“MHS 15m”:10296867.74,
“HS RT”:10351110.56,
“HS Factory”:28836, #Factory marking(GHS)
“Last Valid Work”:1643183296,
“Upfreq Complete”:0,
“Effective Chips”:156,
“PCB SN”:”HEM1EP9C400929K60003″, #PCB serial number
“Chip Data”:”K88Z347-2039
“Chip Temp Min”:80.56,
“Chip Temp Max”:97.00,
“Chip Temp Avg”:89.89,
“Chip Frequency”:590,
“MHS av”:10259948.84,
“MHS 5s”:5413853.90,
“MHS 1m”:8577249.68,
“MHS 5m”:10441143.92,
“MHS 15m”:10214893.36,
“HS RT”:10441143.92,
“Last Valid Work”:1643183291,
“Upfreq Complete”:0,
“Effective Chips”:156,
“PCB SN”:”HEM1EP9C400929K60001″,
“Chip Data”:”K88Z347-2039
“Chip Temp Min”:77.94,
“Chip Temp Max”:96.50,
“Chip Temp Avg”:88.23,
“Chip Frequency”:590,
“MHS av”:10258829.89,
“MHS 5s”:5571781.71,
“MHS 1m”:8675316.17,
“MHS 5m”:10479953.41,
“MHS 15m”:10213779.32,
“HS RT”:10479953.41,
“Last Valid Work”:1643183296,
“Upfreq Complete”:0,
“Effective Chips”:156,
“PCB SN”:”HEM1EP9C400929K60002″,
“Chip Data”:”K88Z347-2039
“Chip Temp Min”:80.50,
“Chip Temp Max”:97.44,
“Chip Temp Avg”:90.91,
4.4 Devdetails
“Msg”:”Device Details”,
“DEVDETAILS”: #Hashboard detail
4.5 Get PSU
Contains power information.
“iin”:”8718″, #Current in
“vin”:”22400″, #Voltage in
“fan_speed”:”6976″, #Power fan speed
4.6 Get version
Get miner API version.
“chip”:”K88Z001-2039 BINV01-195001B”
4.7 Get token
Plaintext must be used, and the miner returns plaintext.
4.8 Status
Get btminer status and firmware version.
“Firmware Version”:”str”
4.9 Get miner info
You can select the fields in “info” that you want to return.
4.10 Get error code
You can use this command to obtain the machine error codes.
“Msg”:{“error_code”:[“329″:”2022-01-17 11:28:11”]},
The API command can be used for two joins.